Now, more than ever, many hair mavens are leaving the creamy crack behind and are embarking on their own natural hair journeys! Sure, we don’t discriminate, but we believe there is nothing more beautiful than embracing your natural tresses. And of course, it’s a healthy way to keep your mane in tip-top shape.
[SEE ALSO: Hairfolio: ‘Hairditorial’ Series Celebrates The Art Of Natural Hair]
From the big chop, to the TWA and reaching your desired hair length, the natural hair journey is one that’s full of surprises. While learning how to treat your own texture takes time to master, there are a variety of natural hair bloggers that can help you along the way.
With social media being a major hub of of the natural hair community, we’ve rounded up some of the best bloggers that will teach you about products, wash routines, hair treatments and more. Ready to press the follow button?
Click through to check out some of our faves!