Best Hair Colour For Women

Has your hair texture been falling flat lately? Take a close look at your hair colour to figure out what’s damaging your hair cuticle. If the pack contains ammonia, you might want to get rid of it. Wondering why? Read on to find out.

No Ammonia Hair Colour Every Woman Should Try

1. Why Go Ammonia Free
Ammonia may help you permanently colour your hair but what do you have to lose in the process? Oh, just your natural bouncy hair texture which will inevitably turn into dry, brittle, lifeless stands.

2. Switch To Safe Alternative
Some permanent hair colours bust through the hair cuticle for the hue to set in. And how do they manage to do that? You guessed it right, with ammonia! Play it safe, switch to an ammonia free hair colour, that still gives you gorgeous looking hair with no damage.

3. At Home Hair Colour
Get that salon like gorgeous colour bust from the comfort of your home. For ammonia free at home option, try BBLUNT’s Salon Secret High Shine Crème Hair Colour in seven blockbuster shades.

4. How It Works
Put on your gloves, mix the contents of the pack in a non-metallic bowl and apply it to your hair in sections. Let it set before washing it off. Viola, enjoy the rich, new hues of your hair worry free!

Check out Best Grey Coverage Hair Colour.

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