3 Strand Pull Through Braid Tutorial And 5 Ways To Wear It! | Hairstyles For Girls
3 strand pull through braid video instructions and 5 ways to wear it.

Today we are showing how to make a 3 strand pull through braid and 5 cute hairstyle ideas for finishing the style. We have shown a standard pull through braid tutorial as well as the reverse braid on our blog in the past, but have not filmed this 3 strand variation up until now. We first saw this awesome and original braid by @prettylittlebraids on Instagram. This is probably our favorite variation of the pull through braid since it looks so full, gorgeous, and voluminous! This edgy braid has the look of a “faux hawk” and would be great hairstyle for dance competitions and other sports. Since this braid is tethered with elastics all the way down, it holds up really well to most activities.

3 Strand Pull Through Braid Video Tutorial & 5 Ways To Style It: (Click here to watch the video on YouTube.)

This braid could be used to create many different hairstyles and can be worn along the scalp in a “french braid” look, or in a ponytail without adding in hair from the sides of the braid. We have included 5 tutorials in our video (above) for some of our favorite ways to wear this braid: 

 1. 3 strand pull through braid faux hawk with ponytail.

Cute 3 strand pull through braid faux hawk and ponytail tutorial.

 2. 3 strand pull through braid and flip braid combo.

3 Strand pull through braid and flip braid or faux fishtail instructions.

 3. Pull through and fishtail braid combo.

3 strand pull through and fishtail braid combo. (Video tutorial.)

4. Pull through ponytail with micro braids.

3 strand pull through braid ponytail with micro braids.

 5. Standard 3 strand pull through braid from top to bottom.

3 strand pull through braid video instructions.  Cute hairstyle for sports.

A few tips and tricks: If you prefer to use less elastics, it is
possible to gather a new section at the same time you are securing the 3
strands. But, I have found it much easier to make all of the
ponytails first and then double up on the elastics as you make the
braid. Everything seems to turn out neater and smoother when I do it
this way. Also, as mentioned in our video, the braid turns out better
for me when I stretch out each individual section before moving on to
the next (as it prevents the layer beneath the one you are working on
from being disturbed as you are stretching the strands out.)

Supplies needed to recreate these hairstyles:

  • Several medium size, clear (or similar to the color of hair you are working with) elastics.  The amount will depend on the style chosen and the length of hair you are working with. 
  • Hairspray, gel, hair wax, etc. to help control flyaways.

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