Easy Hack for Perfect Hair Twists

Easy Hack for Perfect Hair Twists

Are you ready for another Twist Me Pretty hairstyle?! This one is super trendy right now along with a twist (literally). These hair twists would be adorable on your little girl’s hair and cute on your own hair. You’re going to want to try it out after learning this easy hack for perfect hair twists. 


Send your girl out with these perfect hair twists that she will love! www.twistmepretty.com


These perfect hair twists would be ideal for when you want your hair out of your face yet still want to look cute. There’s so many cute hairstyles you could do other than pulling it back into a bun or ponytail. Those may only take a few seconds, but just add on a few seconds more and you will have a hairstyle that makes you feel confident and beautiful! You can check out these hairstyles for more ideas. 

I have a quick tutorial on my Instagram for doing the perfect hair twists on your little girl. If you want the full tutorial on doing the hairstyle on yourself, you can check it out here on my Youtube channel. I’ll also list out the quick steps, because sometimes it’s easier when you’re reading through it one step at a time! 


Easy Hack for Perfect Hair Twists: Step-by-Step Tutorial 


Learn another hairstyle that requires no heat. www.twistmepretty.com


Step 1

Give yourself a middle part and then section off half of your hair. Hold the half you will do last in a clip to keep it from falling into the other half while you twist it. 


Step 2

Take the top two pieces you want to start with and fold one over the other. Think like you are about to french braid your hair, but you only grab two strands of hair instead of three. 


Step 3

Add more hair to each strand as you keep folding over the two strands you started with. (Similar to how you would if you were french braiding.) As you add more hair, twist the strand of hair toward your face, keeping your hair twists as tight as you can. 


use your extra hair to wrap around the elastic so it's no longer showing. www.twistmepretty.com


Step 4

Finish with putting your hair in a low bun using a regular elastic of your choice. Take the extra hair that hangs out from the bun and twist it around to cover up your elastic. (Pro tip: avoid using a clear elastic for the bun to prevent breakage or damage to your hair.)


Step 5

Repeat the process on the other half. Loosen the hair twist to give it some more volume. Pull out any extra fringe to make it look natural and feel comfortable. Now, you’re done! Admire that cute hairstyle that took less than five minutes to do. 


Pull out some fringe to get it comfortable and feeling like you. www.twistmepretty.com


That’s my easy hack for perfect hair twists! Don’t forget to check out my video tutorial too if you want more guidance. Follow me on Instagram @twistmepretty and send me a pic of your perfect hair twists!!  


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