If you make at least five of these mistakes you are ruining your hair

If you make at least five of these mistakes you are ruining your hair

Before complaining about your hair, ask yourself if you are doing something wrong: maybe you make one of these five mistakes.

Do you think you are doing everything you need to have beautiful and shiny hair but instead you find yourself with a bush that is not very lush? Well, you will obviously be making some mistakes and could be among the fifteen that we propose below today.

Five bad moves with which you ruin your hair

What you can read below are the fifteen most common mistakes a woman can make by unknowingly damaging her hair.

Influencer whose tips we often love to share, by making at least five of these mistakes you can say goodbye to your flowing hair.

Let’s find out the list together and … cross our fingers!

  1. You wash them every day – Not only is this an absolutely useless gesture but also a real bombing of your hair
  2. Choose the shampoo based on the scent – Yes, of course, you may like the weapon but … will it really be for you?
  3. Put the shampoo on the lengths – It is the skin that produces the sebum and therefore the source of dirt to be covered is there, the lengths will wash accordingly.
  4. You use the first products you find – If there are different products for different hair types, there must be a reason? In the long run incorrect products always present the bill.
  5. Rinse your hair with boiling water – Water that is too hot will dry your hair, making it more fragile as a result.
  6. Apply products in excessive quantities – Never as in the case of beauty products is the rule of “quantity does not make quality”.
  7. Brush your hair when wet – A wet hair will always be more fragile. In that phase it is therefore better to stress him as little as possible.
  8. Clutches too vigorously with the towel – As well as for the face (we explained it to you in Washing your face | discover the mistakes to be avoided absolutely), also for the hair never rub the towel, but dab.
  9. Do not towel dry your hair before drying it with the hairdryer – A hair soaked in water is by definition more fragile and would therefore suffer even more damage from heat.
  10. Do not use a heat protector – To many it may seem like a secondary product but instead it is a real life saver for the hair. never forget it!
  11. Do you think that the brushes and combs are all the same – If there are different types on the market, there will be a reason. In this regard, we remind you of our guide to choosing the right brush based on the type of hair.
  12. Keep the hairdryer too close to the hair – Excess heat, especially if prolonged, is always negative for our hair.
  13. Use a straightener and curling iron on the hair that is still damp – The tools for styling must always be strictly passed on dry hair
  14. You tie your hair too tight – A gesture that stresses the hair making it more prone to breakage
  15. Pass several times on the same strand – This way you do not improve the style but only risk damaging the hair

So how many of the mistakes above are you making? You certainly don’t have to confide it but, without a doubt, it’s time to run for cover.

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