Easy Heart Hairstyle for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day hairstyles aren’t just for little girls. I love to play around with my hair for different holidays. This easy heart hairstyle for Valentine’s Day is perfect for adults and kids. I just love how it turned out. This would also be perfect for anyone who wants to do matching hairstyles with their daughter!

Easy Heart Hairstyle- A Valentine's Day hairstyle that anyone can do! www.twistmepretty.com

To do this easy heart hairstyle for Valentine’s Day, you need a few things: 

Bobby Pins

Small Hair Rubber Bands

Check out the quick video I made below with how to do this easy heart hairstyle for Valentine’s Day. And then keep reading for more detailed instructions.


Let’s get started on this easy heart hairstyle!

*Note- this hairstyle works best on hair that is a little dirty. You’ll want that extra grip to get the twirls we are creating to stay put. If your hair is freshly washed, make sure to use a good texture spray on it before trying this hairstyle.

I love this twisted hearts hairstyle! www.twistmepretty.com

Step 1-

To begin this easy heart hairstyle, divide your hair into two small sections at the crown. You are only using the hair across the top of your head and leaving your hair in the back and underneath free flowing. 

Step 2-

Take each small section of hair and create a semi-loose ponytail with them using the clear rubber bands. Don’t make these ponytails very tight, you want them to lay flat against your head. 

These hearts are so fun and easy to do. www.twistmepretty.com

Step 3-

Beginning with one section, take the ponytail in your hand and twist it away from the center of your head. While holding the twist with one hand, gently pull and fluff the strands above where you are holding the ponytail. 


Step 4-

Now that you have a twist, let it curl itself around into a cinnamon bun shape on your head. Center the end of your cinnamon bun twist on the back of your head close to the nape of your neck. 

Be sure to fluff your hair after you finish doing this easy hearts hairstyle www.twistmepretty.com

Step 5-

Secure the end of your twist with a bobby pin, and also pin your twist into the shape you want with more bobby pins. Stretch the twist to soften and fluff it.  Remember, you are creating half of a heart shape with each twist!

Step 6-

Repeat the above steps with your other ponytail to create the other half of your heart shape. Be sure to layer your ends on top of each other to create a ‘v’ at the bottom of your easy heart hairstyle for Valentine’s Day and to hide the bobby pins. 

You will love this hairstyle for Valentine's Day whether you are an adult or a kid. www.twistmepretty.com

Step 7-

Fluff your hair around your easy heart hairstyle and enjoy your Valentine’s Day look!

Easy Heart Hairstyle for Valentine’s Day

I love this easy heart hairstyle for Valentine’s Day because it’s soft and romantic. It’s the prettiest adult nod to Valentine’s Day. I hope you try it! Be sure to tag me on Instagram @twistmepretty when you try this hairstyle so I can see your good work!

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