Summer is long over and with it, even the long hair tends to disappear. To start again with enthusiasm towards the autumn routine, why not give in to the charm of a timeless short bob?

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Summer is long over and with it, even the long hair tends to disappear. To start off again towards the autumn routine, why not give in to the charm of a timeless short bob?

The helmet was born more than 100 years ago, designed by the French hairdresser Antoine. Also called carré or bob, it can be declined in different variations.

The yoke with an even cut is the one above the shoulders or in any case below the ears, its characteristic is that it does not have scaling. It adapts well to oval faces and can be combined with a fringe or a tuft.

On the other hand, the scaled yoke is more jaunty, especially if dried naturally and with the side line. It should be used on round faces, in order to give some volume to the top of the head.

The asymmetrical yoke is not suitable for irregular faces, because it highlights any flaws. It can be performed with a short nape and long tips in front, or longer on one side and shorter than the other. Beautiful both in smooth and wavy version, both with side line and with disheveled fringe.

If you want a more crazy cut, the disconnected yoke is perfect because it has more or less accentuated shaves, both on the sides and on the nape. It is adaptable to any type of face, based on the shave and disconnection chosen.

Finally, the short bob, also called bob, is the one with the ears and the nape of the neck completely uncovered. It fits perfectly to triangular faces. It recalls the 60s hairstyle, worn by the Beatles.


In recent weeks, we have seen many stars adopt one of these cuts. At the end of August Michelle Hunziker surprised us by showing off a wonderful medium bob with a central line. The same presenter a few days earlier had shown the same cut in a wavy version.

At the end of September, on the other hand, during a literary event, both Charlotte Casiraghi and Keira Knightley confirmed that this season’s cut is precisely the yoke.
Princess Caroline’s 35-year-old daughter chose a French bob that just brushes her shoulders. Elegantly retro also thanks to the extremely lateral line, it gives life to a refined yet rebellious hairstyle thanks to the soft drying.
The English actress, on the other hand, wore a micro bob, therefore even shorter. Also in this case it has been declined in the version with waves.

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