Hi, everyone. It’s Zane from Luxy Hair today and I’m gonna show you how I create the super popular Double Dutch braid. Now seriously, this hairstyle’s been chasing me. I’ve seen it all over Instagram, on so many celebrity looks.
Today, this morning, when I was coming to work there was three different girls on the train wearing this hairstyle. So it was like a sign that I have to do a tutorial on this. If you want to know how I created this look, then keep on watching. The first thing I’m gonna do is brush through my hair to make sure there is no tangles, as it will make the braiding a lot easier. Now I’m gonna split my hair into two sections. I usually do my parting on one side, but I feel for this hairstyle it’s a lot better to do it in the middle as it will part the hair in two equal sections to make sure that there is the same amount of hair on each side.
I’m just gonna brush over again to make sure that the hair is nice and smooth. I’m gonna clip one of the sections away, just to make sure that when I’m braiding this side that I don’t take any hairs from this section onto the braid. You might see that I have quite a lot of flyaways. It’s just because I washed my hair this morning and, for this reason, I feel that it’s actually good to do this hairstyle when you have second or third day hair because it’s gonna make the braiding a lot easier. But I’m gonna do my best to work with what I have.
Just grab one section here at the front. This is gonna be the section that we gonna start braiding. Now, divide this section into three equal sections, just like you would with a regular braid. So now we have three strands, we gonna start dutch braiding, so putting each section under the middle one. That’s one, the second one under the middle section. Make sure that you’re braiding tightly, because it’s gonna help you to work with the braid later.
Once you’ve added the section under the middle section the second time, you’re also taking more hair and adding onto this section. Now we’re grabbing, again, the left-hand section, putting it under the middle one and grabbing more hair and adding it onto that section. And again, remember to keep it tight. Again, left-hand side section, put it under the middle one and add some more hair. Here, just when you’re braiding, just make sure that you braid it quite close to your head so that it doesn’t become too loose.
Continue braiding down until there is no more hair to add. I still one more strand. Again, make sure to keep it close to your head. Okay, once there’s no more hair to add, I’m just gonna stop here for a second and, as you can see, the braid is quite tight and neat up here. Maybe you have seen from my previous hair tutorials that I like my hairstyles to be a little bit messy and onto bohemian side, so I’m just gonna do the same thing with this hairstyle.
If you like it this way, if you like it more tight, go for it, just continue braiding it down. But, I am gonna stop here and just gonna pull some sections out so that it adds a bit of a messier look and, I guess, the braid is gonna look a bit thicker as well. Once you’re happy with it, just continue braiding down. Now I’m just gonna add a clear elastic and I’m gonna do the same thing with this part of the braid as well. I’m just gonna pull out a few sections, not too crazy, just so it appears a little bit thicker. You can always come back to this and just pull out as many sections as you wish. Okay, I think this is good. Okay, now that I’m done braiding this side, I’m just gonna go on to the other one. Again, quickly brush through the hair. Here, again, grabbing one section of the front and let’s divide it in three equal sections. Now that we have three equal sections, we can start dutch braiding again. So, placing the side section under the middle section and I’m adding some more hair.
This is where you can control how far or low you want your braid to go. If you want it to be higher, just make sure to braid it a bit more backwards. Again, if you want it to be a bit lower, then more towards the down side. Again, continue braiding down until you don’t have any more hair to grab on. Okay, and this is my last section. I’m just making sure that I’m adding it on, braiding it close to my head again. We gonna stop here and I’m just gonna pull out some sections. Now, my hair today is really silky, so it makes it quite hard to pull the sections out. That’s what I meant about having second or third day hair, it would make it a lot easier. Now that I’m finished fanning out my hair, I’m just gonna continue braiding down. Again, secure it with an elastic and pull out some sections. And now, just to make sure that both braids look equal, you can just fan them out more and just do some finishing touches to this look.
I know a lot of people like to put their baby hairs away but I actually like them for this look because, as I said, I don’t want it to be so neat. So I am gonna just get some of them out even more. I feel that pulling out some of your shorter hair here at front, it helps you frame your face better. That’s my personal preference. This is the finished look.
Now this is a great look to create when you wear second or third day hair. Another thing I love about this look is that it has a little bit of an edgy and unique feel. You can wear it every day to school or work or you can dress it up and wear it to party and make it a bit more funky. I would love to see your recreations, so please make sure to share your photos on Instagram with hashtag Luxy Hair. Thank you so much for watching, wishing you all a great day. Bye.