Aquarius Horoscope October 2023: Read Monthly Predictions

Are you exhausted yet, Aquarius? You’ve already had a pretty action-packed month. After all those battle cries, take a weekend off. When Saturday, October 14, brings a new moon and stressful solar eclipse, your risk for burnout is high. Catch up on sleep, binge-watch TV, no feeling guilty allowed, and please enjoy some delicious snacks. 

If you’re an Aquarius who is dating, when Juno, known as the asteroid of commitment, also enters your 8th House of Sex, Death, and Transformation on Tuesday, October 17, a sexual partnership evolves. This could mean taking steps to acknowledge your relationship, whether it’s putting a label on it or just introducing your hot hookup to your friends. While early October (with levity) encouraged sparring, this transit is very beneficial to your plus one being welcomed with open arms into your chosen family. Try not to get jealous if some of your friends seem to like your partner a little too much. When busybody Mercury enters volatile Scorpio and your 7th House of Partnership on Saturday, October 21, you may feel possessive, Aquarius. But this isn’t an argument you should start. First, assess whether anything uncouth is happening. Second, if someone does seem to compliment your lover a little too much, try to stay calm and collected. Even consider just letting it go if there’s no threat. 

When the sun enters Scorpio on Monday, October 23, the season of Halloween, being okay with being dramatic and trying not to social media stalk (Scorpio is the detective of the zodiac, but that energy needs to be challenged healthily); if we are to enjoy horoscopes keeping in mind the limitations of our economy and job market, you may have some welcome professional news come your way. Most likely, everyone will be putting on their Halloween costumes and partying the weekend of Saturday, October 28. It might be a big ask to advise staying in, but consider yourself warned: there’s another eclipse on this date. Have fun, but be prepared that people may tend towards overindulgence and bickering, and it might not be as amusing as calling some bro out earlier in the month. But Scorpio season is also about taking risks and not caring what others think, so go ahead and celebrate, and we’ll see you in November. 

Important dates in October 2023:

Wednesday, October 4: Mercury enters Libra
Sunday, October 8: Venus enters Virgo
Tuesday, October 10: Pluto goes direct in Capricorn
Wednesday, October 11: Mars enters Scorpio
Saturday, October 14: New moon and solar eclipse in Libra
Tuesday, October 17: Juno enters Virgo
Saturday, October 21: Mercury enters Scorpio
Monday, October 23: The sun enters Scorpio
Saturday, October 28: Full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of October 2023 horoscopes.

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