Capricorn Horoscope October 2023: Read Monthly Predictions

Read your sign’s 2023 horoscope to see what’s in store for you this year, or check out the Capricorn personality profile.

October is a romantic month for you, Capricorn. You could even be met with some pretty exciting business opportunities. But will a flare-up of jealousy get in your way? Your September horoscope saw you feeling proud (which is one of your favorite feelings) of your accomplishments (which is one of your favorite words). Some signs worry about getting a big head, but you’re always down to receive praise as long as it’s fairly deserved. You feel like a million bucks, with a little help from a friend (or lover), when flirty Mercury enters relationship-oriented Libra and your 10th House of Social Status on Wednesday, October 4. This transit sees someone close to you helping with networking, acting like arm candy at a professional event, or just reminding you that you deserve good things. 

Your focus is primarily on this main person throughout October, Capricorn. When Venus, the planet of love, enters productive Virgo on Sunday, October 8, they act as your muse. You may pick up a creative hobby you long put down, feel inspired to write or draw or feel more ambitious at work. You’re a fiercely independent sign, Capricorn, and you thrive on independence. However, it’s okay to let someone else inspire you. It’s a gift, and don’t take it for granted. 

Creativity and love often go hand in hand. You continue to feel inspired to manifest your dreams once the transformative planet Pluto goes direct in your sign, Capricorn, on Tuesday, October 10. Another rad thing about this transit? It helps you leave the past in the past. Perhaps it’s how intimate this partnership in your life is becoming, or maybe you’re just finally over it. 

However, when the warrior Mars enters intense Scorpio on Wednesday, October 11, another relationship may challenge you. You are a competitive sign, Capricorn, but at times, that can stop being productive ambition and start to take a negative life of its own. This transit could see you feeling jealous of a friend. Such feelings aren’t healthy. You’re thinking about it all wrong. The more your friends succeed, the more that light shines on you, too. Saturday, October 14, brings a new moon and a powerful solar eclipse in Libra. Many signs are advised to take it easy this weekend, as it could lead to drama. Eclipses can mean that doors shut quickly. This one could also be productive for you, Capricorn. You’re able to shake off those envious thoughts and get some valuable perspective. 

And your mind is totally in the gutter when Mercury enters seductive Scorpio on Saturday, October 21. If you’re dating or having sex, this weekend sees you more interested in dirty talk or communicating about your fantasies and desires. It could also mean creative collaboration, in case you’ve ever talked about starting a band or hosting a crafting night with your friends. 

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