November means Thanksgiving, Native American Heritage Day, and the start of the holiday season, which, despite your secret love for shopping and even if you do love to rail against consumerism, means some seriously fun times. When the sun enters Sagittarius on Wednesday, November 22, it also moves into your 11th House of Friendship. Sorry, Aquarius, but whether you want to or not, you’re going to have a lot of fun this Sagittarius season. 

It’s unrealistic to expect to fulfill all your passions through work; it’s healthy to have hobbies.

Try your best to spend the last weekend of the month with family, chosen or blood. When warrior Mars, the planet of war, enters Sagittarius, the archer, and the only sign with a weapon, on Friday, November 24, you’re feeling a little on edge. You don’t have to celebrate any holiday that you don’t want to, and you don’t even have to leave the house. You can chill with pizza and movies if you like. However, you’ll be grateful for the company and may feel lonesome if you opt for alone time. 

While Saturn was retrograde, you realized how much someone meant to you. However, you also found yourself lusting after an opportunity unrelated to your relationships. Perhaps you realized that you wanted to shift gears professionally. You may have also picked up a creative interest. Just like it’s unhealthy to expect one romantic partner to be your everything (even if your stance on monogamy is that it works great for you), it’s unrealistic to expect to fulfill all your passions at your work; it’s healthy to have hobbies. Keep your eye on your inbox around Monday, November 27. The sky lights up with a full moon in Gemini, and even though many people are coming back from a holiday weekend, there’s a decent chance that your face will light up with joy when you finally hear about an opportunity you’ve been waiting for. You’ve earned it, Aquarius. Continue to allow yourself to learn from others, and we’ll see you in December. 

Important dates in November 2023:

Saturday, November 4: Saturn goes direct in Pisces
Wednesday, November 8: Venus enters Libra
Thursday, November 9: Mercury enters Sagittarius
Monday, November 13: New moon in Scorpio
Wednesday, November 22: Sun enters Sagittarius 
Friday, November 24: Mars enters Sagittarius
Monday, November 27: Full moon in Gemini

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of November 2023 horoscopes.

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